Malaysia sport betting proposal get more Malaysian to become a gambler. Or just a capitalist at work?
Combine the excitement of World Cup Football with the adrenaline rush of betting, you get some potent solution. That the business model to emulate.Those hardcore kaki nombor will buy more and more. Those kaki bola who never place a bet before shall be more easily succumbed to join Berjaya gambling club. Berjaya Toto really know how to wooing new customers .
Malaysia has enough mat rempits, drug addicts, GROs and samsu addicts but not enough of gambling addicts. Giving bookie license is a smart move to increase the lacking number. Bravo Vincent Tan, that's how you do it. Malaysia really boleh.
Along-along kota raya and bandar-bandar kecil must be in Cloud 9 now, they already have been grinning for several days after hearing the news. If those along companies listed in Bursa, they should have display bullish 3 white soldiers candlestick signal on chart by now.
Game fixers also have been grinning ear to ear. Their services are back in demand soon. Welcome game rigging to Malaysia Football League.
How Datuk Awang Adek explain the rational behind it in the parliment is so convincing:
Timbalan Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Awang Adek Hussein, berkata jika kerajaan tidak mengeluarkan lesen kepada pihak yang memohon, aktiviti perjudian dan pertaruhan haram tetap berlaku tanpa kawalan dan pemantauan pihak berkuasa.
“Oleh itu sebagai sebuah kerajaan yang prihatin terhadap rakyatnya, kerajaan akan memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya dan sebarang langkah perlu dilakukan secara berkesan bagi menangani masalah bookie tanpa lesen termasuk membenarkan pertaruhan bookie bola sepak dilaksanakan melalui perlesenan sah,”
You see, if government don't issue license, illegal betting and gambling activities will keep on happening. Government should also issue license to prostitution den, along-along, mat rempit. and drug pusher, otherwise, those illegal activities will keep on happening. By giving license, those illegal activities become legal. Just like magic, presto, our social problems are gone. And that's how you solve problems. Right?
Datuk Awang Adek also said, as a caring government, government need to consider giving the licence. Yes, to consider gambling license it is a sign of a caring government. Forget about what wives of gambling addicts say, just listen to Vincent Tan. As a caring government, maybe the government should consider giving pilihanraya kecil betting license too and what else.
Keep on holding your breath. Come World Cup in June, we don't need to play Bursa Malaysia anymore. After all, Bursa Malaysia seems so dull currently. Let's go for sport betting. You can even place you bet by telephone. It just a dial away. So convenience for us to give donation to Uncle Tan, we got no excuse anymore.
Keep on holding your breath. Come World Cup in June, we don't need to play Bursa Malaysia anymore. After all, Bursa Malaysia seems so dull currently. Let's go for sport betting. You can even place you bet by telephone. It just a dial away. So convenience for us to give donation to Uncle Tan, we got no excuse anymore.
Berjaya Corp: To launch user-friendly sports betting system in 3Q10. Berjaya Corp Bhd which will launch the country's first sports betting in 3Q10, will use a system with features that are familiar to the Asian players.They will be distributed in strategic locations in major cities or towns with large urban conurbation and will commence with about one-third Toto outlets - 220 outlets. Ascot Sport Sdn Bhd senior general manager Ooi Lee Meng said Ascot will introduce the sport betting at the beginning of the next European Leagues season, around the end of August or beginning of September 2010. (Source: Business Times)
Wanna BET that the campaign to increase the gambling addicts in Malaysia will be successful?
Ascot Sport’s plan is to launch products based on internationally popular sporting events such as soccer, basketball, motor racing, tennis, and golf. For a start, Ascot Sports will offer their products via 220 selected Sports Toto outlets in West Malaysia.
Why stop with Berjaya Toto outlets? Berjaya can utilize it's 7-11 outlets, just place the betting cards beside the condom racks.
"In other words, the system will have user-friendly features that are familiar to the Asian players," Ascot Sport Sdn Bhd senior general manager Ooi Lee Meng told Business Times via email recently.
It user friendly, even your 7 years old kid can do the bet. More user friendly than your ATM.
It user friendly, even your 7 years old kid can do the bet. More user friendly than your ATM.
"They will be distributed in strategic locations in major cities or towns with large urban conurbation. We will commence with about one-third Toto outlets - 220 outlets," he said.
Business 101. It strategically placed in locations where the prospect of converting people into gambling addicts is very high. Never far from you.
Business 101. It strategically placed in locations where the prospect of converting people into gambling addicts is very high. Never far from you.
Ooi said Ascot will introduce the country's first of kind sport betting at the beginning of the next European Leagues season, around the end of August or beginning of September 2010."We will offer the four major leagues namely the English Premier League, German Bundesliga, Spanish Premira Liga and the Italian Serie A. When Champions League, UEFA Cup and FA commences, we will offer them as well," he said.
Isn't that exciting? Every walks of life that love football will get excited. The excitement of football mixed with thrill of betting. Don't be surprised if many sports fans will be succumbed.
Isn't that exciting? Every walks of life that love football will get excited. The excitement of football mixed with thrill of betting. Don't be surprised if many sports fans will be succumbed.
Asked why the company did not offer football bets back then, Ooi said, "In the 1990s, football betting was not popular yet. It was vitalised in the 2000s due to live-televised matches on television."
Early 90's we don't have Ananda Krishnan's Astro. Since currently we can expect more and more live-televised matches from Astro, we can expect more and more vitalization of sports betting too. Imagine Ananda Krishnan hand in hand with Vincent Tan.
Analyst Keith Wee (OSK Research), who maintained an overweight on the gaming sector, believes the liberalisation of the sports betting in Malaysia is a positive step as the government is being pragmatic in acknowledging that there is a sizeable market to be tapped.Otherwise, it would be big revenue loss to the government.
Prostitution ring is sizeable market too, it a big revenue loss to the government if they don't be pragmatic. We haven't mentioned illegal drug ring yet. The government should take a positive steps by being pragmatic in these matters too. Otherwise, its a big revenue loss to the government, isn't Keith?
Ascot Sports would not be able to take bets for the upcoming FIFA World Cup, which kicks off on June 11. This is due to the hardware and software related set up is not ready yet.. Asco Sports expects to capture the new EPL season at end-Aug/early-Sept.
Yeah, just on time for our Merdeka day. Let's Merdeka ourselves by becoming a sport gambler, for a start.
More political backlash ahead? Meanwhile, it was not entirely unexpected that this latest development has attracted criticism from the opposition. (CIMB Research)
Yeah, sure CIMB, we can expect the criticism from the opposition ONLY and the rakyat are giving undying support to Vincent Tan. ( Is that is CIMB expectation, I need to think twice before reading CIMB's expectation of the stock market)
MCA Vice-president Gan Ping Sieu proposed that part of the revenue collected from the industry should also go towards public education and raising awareness about the dangers of gambling and the social ills that could result (malaysian mirror)
You see, Mr. Gan thinks that Malaysian public are not aware of the dangers and social ills that could result out of gambling. I never thought we are that ignorant, are we?