CPO, IPO and Malaysia Stimulus Pack

Event of Malaysia Stimulus Package CPO and IPO that might be relevant to KLCI (Bursa Malaysia) investor.

1. Palm oil stockpiles fall; exports rise month-on-month 
Read here : http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/4/11/business/3678307&sec=business

That a two year low. Positive news for CPO related counters. Heard about reduced stockpile by first quarter 2009 since December last year. Basic economy, you reduce the supply for something that always in demand, it cause the price to rise.

“I expect a 100,000-tonne drop in palm oil stocks to translate into a 5% increase in CPO prices,” said James Fry, a London-based international oils and fats expert and the managing director of LMC International Ltd.
Read that and also how CPO and crude oil effect each other,  if you like speculate on these two ommodites:  http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/4/10/business/3668005&sec=business

2.  Malaysia's IPI down 14.4% in March
Read here

The contraction was slightly worst than expected, a Reuters survey which projected a 13.8% drop showed, but a rise from February provides a welcome respite after a seven month straight decline since August last year. Negative new. 

3. RM5.6bil worth of projects under stimulus packages awarded. 

Read here Malaysia Stimulus Package

It's not really a 'positive' news for KLSE trader anymore since its already awarded. But it will spill over to smaller companies and create activities. A very good news for banks, companies will keep borrowing from banks to in order to start projects.

BTW the first stimulus package of RM7bil was announced last Nov 4 and the second, the RM60bil Mini Budget

The relevant thing is not yet in the news: How many more billions WILL be awarded and which companies  are going to get them. Since our government are very 'generous' in allocating over RM60 billion for stimulus packages, there are still billions and billions worth of projects to be awarded. That will keep us busy for months in speculating which listed companies will grab those. 

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